Krishna is known as Uttamasloka which means ,“One who is praised with beautiful prayers.”
Srimad Bhagavatam
Take the Next Step
If you feel inspired to contribute to the ongoing worship of The Supreme Personality of Godhead kindly consider making a donation to one of the ISKCON temples listed below
Nedbank Chatsworth
1322059578 Reference: Vandanam (Your name)
Nedbank Phoenix
PHOENIX Branch Reference: Vandanam (Your name)
ISKCON Lenasia
FNB Lenasia 62440579277
Reference: Vandanam (Your name)
ISKCON Cape Standard Bank Rondebosch 374278822 Reference: Vandanam (Your name)
ISKCON Sandton
FNB Rivonia
Reference: Vandanam (Your name)
ISKCON Midrand Standard Bank Rosebank 001914642 Reference: Vandanam (Your name)
ISKCON PMB Nedbank 1372027254 Branch 198765 Reference: Vandanam (Your name)
Joy of Devotion
Kindly contact for account details of other temples not listed here or other projects you may wish to support or volunteer your time
Try Chanting
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna
Hare Hare
Hare Rama
Hare Rama
Rama Rama
Hare Hare